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Laura Holloway Laura Holloway

‘Out of Date’ 30 year-old Cybercrime Legislation Leaves UK at Risk During Coronavirus, Professionals Warn 

A coalition of businesses, trade bodies, lawyers and think tanks from across the cyber security industry have today taken the unprecedented step of uniting to pen a letter to the Prime Minister urging him to reform the law governing cybercrime in the UK, which came into effect thirty years ago today, claiming it is now ‘unfit for purpose’.

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Laura Holloway Laura Holloway

Join the celebration: the Computer Misuse Act turns 30

Give the Computer Misuse Act the 30th birthday present it deserves: reform. On the 29 of June 2020, the Cyber Up Campaign is inviting you to mark 30 years to the day since the Computer Misuse Act (CMA) gained royal assent.

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Laura Holloway Laura Holloway

Blog: One rule for them, one rule for the rest

One rule for them, one rule for the rest – what eBay and others’ port scanning practice tells us about the Computer Misuse Act. In the past week or so, there has been a considerable amount of discussion online about eBay’s use of a port-scanning script to check potential customers’ computers for malicious software that would indicate fraud

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Laura Holloway Laura Holloway

Cyber Legal regime ‘not up to scratch’

The CyberUp campaign welcomes UK government departments’ acknowledgement of the need for clear legal guidance to facilitate embracing threat-led cyber security without falling foul of cyber crime laws, and calls on the government to make good on the suggestion that cyber security professional need greater legal certainty by reforming the Computer Misuse Act

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