CyberUp comments on the Government’s Response to their Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA) Call for Evidence

Today, the Government published its response to a review of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA) which concluded in spring 2021. The original consultation included a Call for Information on the CMA and the powers law enforcement agencies needed to investigate the CMA offences.

More details of the original Call for Information can be found here.

The Government will be consulting further on certain aspects of their response and be providing multi-stakeholder engagement with key organisations in the sector on other aspects considered as ‘requiring further consideration’. More details and the full response can be found here.

Commenting, Ollie Whitehouse, Spokesman for the CyberUp campaign, said:

“More than 21 months since the Government announced its review of the Computer Misuse Act, this is a response that is light on delivery. Cybercrime is endemic across the UK. We need urgency and pace - not for these issues to be kicked into the long grass.

We welcome that the Government has acknowledged that there is a problem with legitimate cyber security activity being constrained by the UK’s outdated cyber laws; 66% of respondents to its consultation agreed on this point.

And yet - today’s announcement lacks concrete action, leaving the UK way behind other nations.

We understand this is a complex issue and that reform needs careful consideration. But, very little progress has been made in nearly two years. We simply cannot wait another two years for reform - it is too important for the UK’s enhanced protection in cyberspace, not to mention its future prosperity.

It is essential that the Government lay out a clear timetable and plan for the next steps, to ensure there are no more delays. CyberUp - with our coalition of parliamentary and industry supporters - has been an important part of the debate over the last four years, and we will continue to work with the Government to get this right”



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